Be The Change You Wish to See in the World - Ghandi
We are each filled with God given talents and abilities. My end goal is to not leave this earth with any of those talents left unused. Long ago, I was given a wooden cross that has a quote by Erma Bombeck that reads:
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'."
I do my best to live to this quote each and every day. I treat each day and every encounter as a missionary opportunity to serve others and give back the blessings that God has given to me. I try not to guess where God is leading me, but I am a humble, willing servant, eager to follow my shepherd.
Changing Lives
Founder and Executive Director
Mission: Helping people in catastrophic need and providing transformational personal and professional growth opportunities.
Role: Manage all operations of the foundation and assist in leading the leadership initiatives of personal and professional transformational growth.
Equip/Maxwell Leadership Foundation
Mission: Pioneering a values-based, evidence-driven, collaborative process of transformation.
Role: Transforming lives through country, community and personal transformation initiatives. Focusing on growing individuals into leaders who value people.
Inspiring Children
Board Advisor/Volunteer
Mission: Transforming Lives through a whole human approach to physical, emotional & mental health.
Role: Mentor youth and provide leadership growth opportunities through speaking, mastermind groups and one-on-one coaching.
Christian Home
Mission: A trusted and reliable choice for kids struggling to overcome the toughest emotional and behavioral challenges.
Role: Long-term donor and volunteer to help raise money and provide for the basic needs of the kids. This includes school clothes along with holiday gifts to bring them hope for a better future.
Mission: To partner with international workers and teach successful business principles in developing economies worldwide.
Role: Teach proven business management skills to entrepreneurs, executive leaders and professionals, engaging leaders to transform lives through solid business values.